
I just checked if there is a video recording of the 101 Poster Design Workshop I did at Flock in Krakow. Unfortunately there is none and of course I have no slides as workshop means for me the participants have to work, so doing things.

There seems to be a need for it. So I can give an online one, similar to this one, where we decided to add a Rock Concert to Flock and made a poster for it.

I just have to find the funds for it, sounds bit crazy but I can't use my normal work place for it because of the time, they will be closed then and doing it from my mobile connection is just ugly 10 minutes and I would have to topup.
I have a place I use in this cases, unfortunately coffee I have to consume there is horrible expensive (can eat all week breakfast for it) and I have to go by tuktuk there. 

There are some other people interested, at least there been some requests during the last months. Usually I make then pay what you want, what carries the costs then. So I have to check with that people and if there is still interest, I will set it up.

Any interest here?

Br gnokii