Hello all,
I'm sending this out on a few different mailing lists, but it's something that will require participation and effort from a few different groups.
I filed a ticket in the Fedora Infrastructure Pagure about migrating from Trac for Fedora Badges. This is picking up from an earlier discussion that Zach Villers (aikidouke) started on the mailing lists a couple months ago. In the ticket, I've tried to summarize the major pain points for migrating this Trac. A comprehensive overview can be found there.
I would like to ask anyone who is involved with Fedora Badges, past or present, to please review this ticket and offer feedback to the issues raised in the ticket. I think of all the Tracs on FedoraHosted, this will be the most complex one to migrate because we have a lot of other components dependent on Trac or the FedoraHosted domain. It's important to start this discussion early than late. Even if you're not involved with Fedora Badges but might have ideas or advice on some of the problems raised here, your feedback would also be welcome!
Thanks all.