I'm Anuradha Welivita, a Computer Science undergraduate at University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka. I'm a student who is selected for GSoC this time to work on the project AskFedora UX/UI & Functionality Overhaul. My mentors are Sarup Banskota and Suchakra Sharma.
I wanted to engage in this project because I'm really interested in UX/UI related stuff and wants to learn more. You can see some of my work here : http://askbot-anuradhaw.rhcloud.com. This is coded using Bootstrap and its grid system but I will be incorporating sass, compass and susy in my work during the summer as my mentors advised me to.
I have done some web based individual and group projects using html, css, javascript and php. I was new to responsive web design until recently but I'm currently learning more about responsive web design with sass, compass and susy. I'm also willing to join the Fedora Design Team as a long term contributor.
Thank you.