Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-12-03/workstation.2014-... Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-12-03/workstation.2014-... Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-12-03/workstation.2014-...
* * * ============================ #fedora-meeting: workstation ============================
Meeting started by stickster at 16:01:02 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-12-03/workstation.2014-... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call! (stickster, 16:01:22)
* Final release collateral (stickster, 16:05:27) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F21_Final_release_announcement (stickster, 16:07:21) * The release announcement can still be edited through ~Thursday end of day (stickster, 16:07:51) * There is also a screenshot library at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F21_screenshots_library (stickster, 16:08:09) * ACTION: mclasen fixing the terminal points in the announcement (stickster, 16:15:59) * ACTION: stickster Bring back part of toolkit integration into coming soon list (stickster, 16:21:47) * If you make screenshots for the library, downscale your display to an appropriate level, e.g. 1280x800 -- HiDPI will leave illegible thumbnails for most websites' (stickster, 16:26:18) * Staging website is up now, and looking very good. Text is locked, no edits accepted currently. (stickster, 16:27:15) * LINK: http://stg.getfedora.org/ (stickster, 16:27:20) * Thank you to Websites and Design teams for great work! (stickster, 16:27:54)
* F22 Workstation and beyond... (stickster, 16:28:45) * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist#Fedora_Workstation_22 (stickster, 16:29:02) * IDEA: Make Wayland more ready for everyday use (stickster, 16:40:47) * IDEA: Consult developer target folks about needs, e.g. g-s extensions frequently used (stickster, 16:45:25) * IDEA: Better toolkit smoothing, since we already have that on the list and clearly wanted a better story for F21 :-) (stickster, 16:47:46) * Note that FESCo has not yet set schedule for F22 (stickster, 16:51:18) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1349 (stickster, 16:53:04) * ACTION: mclasen Review F22 tasklist above and get updates from relevant developers (stickster, 16:55:01) * ACTION: stickster Based on above review, make a call-to-action to community for additional Workstation features desired (stickster, 16:59:37)
* Next meeting (stickster, 16:59:51) * AGREED: Skip Wed Dec 31 meeting (stickster, 17:02:01)
Meeting ended at 17:02:13 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * mclasen fixing the terminal points in the announcement * stickster Bring back part of toolkit integration into coming soon list * mclasen Review F22 tasklist above and get updates from relevant developers * stickster Based on above review, make a call-to-action to community for additional Workstation features desired
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * mclasen * mclasen fixing the terminal points in the announcement * mclasen Review F22 tasklist above and get updates from relevant developers * stickster * stickster Bring back part of toolkit integration into coming soon list * stickster Based on above review, make a call-to-action to community for additional Workstation features desired * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (97) * mclasen (37) * cschalle_ (18) * otaylor (15) * kalev (12) * ryanlerch (11) * zodbot (9) * rdieter (7) * langdon (5) * drago01 (5) * jwb (4) * nirik (1) * cschalle (1)
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