Hi all,

The next meeting of the Fedora Workstation Working Group is planned for Tuesday 20 September, at 9.30 EDT. Join links:

  - https://bluejeans.com/395383051/
  - https://www.bluejeans.com/numbers

See below for the agenda.


#topic F37 release status

#topic Blockers discussed last week

 - Michael to follow up on the Contacts crash that's blockiing the fix - that's https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-contacts/-/issues/266

 - Matthias to get Carlos or Ray to look at it

 - Matthias to ask the tester if they have the latest gstreamer

 - Kalev to resolve this - requires a new package

#topic Announcements, Status Updates

#info The minutes from last week have been posted.

#topic Improve the user feedback for OOM situations
It looks like this got done? Which Fedora release is it targeting? Should we be testing it?

#topic Give ABRT some ❤
Where is this at?

#topic Consider limiting journal size
Latest action was to create a concrete proposal, but who should do this, and where would the proposal go?