Just forgot one detail here: if it becomes a rquirement that connections to services installed on Fedora Desktop are tunneled through SSH, I believe that this will create much more difficulties for users than managing a firewall would.-- Peter (again-agan)On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Peter Laursen <jazcyk@gmail.com> wrote:I cannot figure out how to get access to the ticket. I am also not sure I am interested in yet another such account. I have more than enough accounts and subscriptions already spamming my mailbox. So I hope it is OK that I reply in this mail thread instead.If I understand the discussion, it was a decision in an early stage of Fedora 21 Desktop development that it should not have a User Interface for firewall configuration. And I think this is the basic problem and mistake. I cannot see how usability and security can be achieved at the same time without it Even though it is not a server platform, you may still want to run server programs on it (typicaly for access by other systems on local network). I can think of (at least):* a test or learning instance of any database server* all sorts of file servers* media streaming services.. and they will all require the port where the server listens to be open.I think a very simple User Interface for firewall configuration should be added. It could be as simple as just allowing for opening of specific ports. I also don't think it will cause problems. People can manage firewall(s) in Windows. Dont' assume that users are more helpless than they are (that is/was Ubuntu's mistake IMO).(and as a final remark the security issue is close to NULL for al the people running FD21 in a virtualized environment or behind a router. They will have the protection from the host OS or the router. But some people still use various types of modems and not routers of course)-- Peter--On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Paul W. Frields <stickster@gmail.com> wrote:FYI: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1372
When responding to this ticket, please keep the discussion impersonal
and objective as possible. We should plan to have a couple people at
the FESCo meeting next week if this is on the agenda.
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
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Peter Laursen--Hilsen / Regards
Peter Laursen