Hi all,

The next meeting of the Fedora Workstation Working Group is planned for Tuesday 22 November, at 10:00 EDT.

Join links:

   - https://bluejeans.com/395383051/
   - https://www.bluejeans.com/numbers

See below for the agenda.


#topic F38 change proposals
#info Deadline is 2022-12-27
 * Automatically install the Openh264 codecs and remove Anaconda (Neal) - #84 and #242
 * Reduce the service timeout - #164 (Michael)
 * Reduce the journal size - #213 (Michael)
 * Unfiltered Flathub - #300 (Matthias)

#topic Should toolbox images block the release?

#topic Workstaton user docs

#topic Announcements, Status Updates

#info The minutes from last week have been posted.