On Feb 1, 2008 2:42 PM, Dimitris Glezos dimitris@glezos.com wrote:
On Feb 1, 2008 3:15 PM, Rahul Sundaram sundaram@fedoraproject.org wrote:
Valent Turkovic wrote:
In Fedora there is a option "Enable desktop effects" but it looks from users point of view that it is there only so that nobody can't say that fedora project doesn't have 3D desktop feature.
You are being obnoxious. AIGLX which is used in most distributions for "3D desktops" today was developed with Fedora.
Maybe Valent is right, that for a *user* (someone unaware of what's under the hood, and, moreover, who coded it) looking at desktop-efffects, it may indeed seem that way. If it does, then we're not giving the correct picture out there. Which is something that nowadays we all agree we should work on fixing.
I know that you are devels here and that have the other insight that I users do (like me), but please look at it from my perpective. First I know that red hat developers made aiglx (I bloged about it 3 years ago) but since a lot has happened. Novell put out XGL and compiz worked only with XGL in the beginning (novell got a lot of heat for that) and now compiz works with both XGL and aiglx. Then came beryl... and finaly compiz-fusion project. And although I know that all those project benefited from aiglx the general perspection is that "beryl" or now "compiz-fusion" enables 3D to desktop, users don't know that Fedora and Red hat are to thank for most of that.
Not for the part of Fedra - I saw lots of distros that enabled "3D Desktop" even as back as 3 releases ago... and Fedora still does not. I read the blog post Rahul gave me and I thought as much - great developers in fedora and red hat want thing to work better so they are fixing issues and not releasing to early. I understand that. Other distros may have gone and enabled it and had more issues that they had positive feedback or and maybe they had more positive feedback, I don't know.
This question arose when I saw how fedora pushes the envelope of a modern desktop on many fronts - PulseAudio being just one of them, and using them before other distros, and compare that to 3D Dektop feature looks like 3D desktop is being ignored - this is ofcourse just from a users point of view because I know that there is lot of work "under the hood" that normal users don't see.