During Fedora QA I came across the latest gedit - gedit-2.28.0-1.fc12.i686. Unlike the earlier version - gedit 2.26.3-1.fc11.i586 in F11, in the latest gedit toolbar, except for "Open", "Save" and "Undo", all other options have only icons and no text. Appreciate if someone could confirm about these changes. I have attached the screenshots for the same:
Gedit in English for F11 with toolbar containing all icons and text - [1] Gedit in English for rawhide with toolbar containing icons and text only for "Open", "Save" and "Undo"- [2] Gedit in Malayalam (ml_IN) for rawhide with toolbar containing icons and text only for "Open", "Save" and "Undo" - [3]
Please excuse me if the discussion on this topic is done already.
Thanking you
Best regards Ani Peter
[1] http://www.flickr.com/photos/44170901@N08/4055343234/ [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/44170901@N08/4055343170/ [3] http://www.flickr.com/photos/44170901@N08/4054601915/