(Resending as it seems this didn't reach the ML the first time...)
Hi Fedorians,
Changes/Mass_Retire_Golang_Leaves [1] has been approved by FESCo. As
part of this Change, all Go library packages that are leaves will be be
mass retired and removed from the Fedora 39 repositories in
approximately one month.
The following maintainers/groups own co-maintain or watch at least one
package that we have identified as a leaf:
I will forward this message to those users separately instead of BCCing.
Apparently, some people have broken filters that hide any email sent to
the ML even if it's addressed to them directly.
See [2] for a full list of leaves and [3] for a maintainer by maintainer
breakdown. Maintainers may opt out by cloning
https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-leaves/ and pushing an `opt-out/{PKGNAME}`
file with a short justification.
Something like:
git clone ssh://git@pagure.io/GoSIG/go-leaves.git
cd go-leaves
echo "Dependency for foo (review bug #XXXXX)" > ./opt-out/bar
git add ./opt-out/bar
git commit -m "opt out bar"
git push origin
All Go SIG members have write access to this repository. Other users can
submit a pull request. You're also welcome to file an issue and I'll
push the file for you.
After a month has passed, we'll remove Go SIG write access from the
repository and stop accepting additional opt-outs. Then, we'll preform
test builds in Copr to make sure there's no false positives in the list.
Finally, I'll verify the results, opt out any additional false
positives, and preform the mass retirement. As usual, anybody can
unretire packages without a re-review within eight weeks by filing a
releng ticket.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Mass_Retire_Golang_Leaves
[2] https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-leaves/blob/main/f/leaves
[3] https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-leaves/blob/main/f/leaves-by-maintainer
Thank you for your cooperation,
Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
Pronouns: He/They
If you did not see the bugzilla-announce-list post[1], there are new
requirements for API keys in Red Hat Bugzilla:
Red Hat Bugzilla has introduced a 12 month lifetimes for API keys. You
must replace your API keys at least once a year. Additionally, any API
key that is not used for 30 days will be suspended but can be
re-enabled on the account's preferences tab.
All existing API keys have had their creation date set to 2023-02-19.
For more details, see the announcement[1].
[1] https://listman.redhat.com/archives/bugzilla-announce-list/2023-February/00…
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
As of today, F38 Changes should be 100% complete. Change owners can
indicate this by setting the Bugzilla tracker to the ON_QA state. F38
enters beta freeze today. Any updates that need to land in the beta
release will require an approved freeze exception or beta blocker.
The current beta target is the early target date of 14 March.
More schedule details are available at
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
== Summary ==
Update the MinGW toolchain to the latest upstream stable releases.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:smani|Sandro Mani]]
* Email: manisandro(a)gmail.com
== Detailed Description ==
The following packages will be updated
* mingw-gcc to version 13.x
* mingw-binutils to version 2.40
== Benefit to Fedora ==
Ship the latest available GNU toolchain for MinGW.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
The above mentioned packages will be updated. Build failures following
the mass rebuild will be inspected.
* Other developers:
Help with build failures may be requested.
* Release engineering: Impact check [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/11299]
* Release engineering: Mass rebuild requested
* Policies and guidelines: No policies need to be changed
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
No impact
== How To Test ==
Update the system once the updated packages land, look out for new
build failures etc.
== User Experience ==
The features of the newest GNU Toolchain will be available to MinGW users.
== Dependencies ==
== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Revert to older versions of environment /
toolchain, mass rebuild mingw packages again
* Contingency deadline: Before release
* Blocks release? Yes
* Blocks product? No
== Release Notes ==
Fedora 39 comes with the mingw-gcc-13 and mingw-binutils-2.40.
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
In accordance with FESCo's Inactive Packager Policy[1], packagers that
have been identified as inactive have a ticket in the
find-inactive-packagers repo[2]. One week after the final release,
packagers who remain inactive will be removed from the packager group.
(Note that pagure.io is one of the systems checked for activity, so
commenting on your ticket that you're still around will prevent you
from showing up in the second round.)
If you have suggestions for improvement, look for the open feature
issues[3] and file an issue in the find-inactive-packagers repo[4] if
it's not there already.
For the curious, here are the stats from today's run:
### Found 2129 users in the packager group. ###
### Found 914 users with no activity in pagure/src.fp.org over the
last year. ###
### Found 845 users which also show no activity in Bodhi over the last year. ###
### Found 812 users which show also no activity in mailing lists over
the last year. ###
### Found 812 users which also show no activity in Bugzilla over the
last year. ###
As we approach
[1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Policy_for_inactive_packagers/
[2] https://pagure.io/find-inactive-packagers/issues?tags=inactive_packager&sta…
[3] https://pagure.io/find-inactive-packagers/issues?tags=feature
[4] https://pagure.io/find-inactive-packagers/new_issue
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
== Summary ==
Fedora is currently shipping version 2020.3 (released July 10, 2020)
of the Thread Building Blocks library. The current upstream version is
2021.8 (released December 22, 2022). The Fedora community has
expressed [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2036372
interest] in moving the TBB package to track a more modern version of
the upstream.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:trodgers| Thomas Rodgers]]
* Email: trodgers(a)redhat.com
== Detailed Description ==
Fedora has shipped with version 2020.3 of the Thread Building Blocks
library since Fedora 33. The
upstream project made a decision to break backward compatibility after
that version was released.
As packages move to match the upstream's changes it becomes more
difficult to defer updating the
Fedora packaging for TBB. The situation is further complicated as
there are currently a majority
of TBB dependent packages which have not been updated to track a new
upstream release, as detailed in this
[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2036372#c1 analysis] on
the tracking issue.
This proposal aims to provide a way to modernize the TBB packge
version for Fedora while providing stability for those packages which
continue to depend on the older TBB library version.
It will be possible to install both devel and runtime versions of both
TBB packages, however the devel compat package for version 2020.3 will
require clients to point to a new include path where the legacy
headers will be found.
== Feedback ==
== Benefit to Fedora ==
Fedora 39 will include a current version of Thread Building Blocks
(version 2021.8) while continuing to support clients dependent on an
older version of TBB (version 2020.3). Fedora will stay relevant as
far as Thread Building Blocks clients are concerned.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** A compat package based on the current 2020.3 version of the
existing TBB package will be created.
** Evaluate TBB dependent packages to identify those which need to
move to the compat version of the TBB package. An initial analysis
suggests the majority of current TBB clients will need to move to the
compat package.
** Post a request for rebuilds to fedora-devel
** Create patches for those packages affected by this change to adjust
their includes to point the compat package's headers as necessary,
work with affected package owners to update package specs to account
for the change.
** When most packages are done, re-tag all the packages in rawhide.
** Watch fedora-devel and assist in rebuilding broken TBB clients.
* Other developers:
** Those who depend on Thread Building Blocks will have to rebuild
their packages. Feature owners will alleviate some of this work as
indicated above, and will assist those whose packages fail to build in
debugging them.
* Release engineering: TODO <!-- [https://pagure.io/releng/issues
#Releng issue number] -->
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
** Apart from scope, this is business as usual, so no new policies, no
new guidelines.
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
* No manual configuration or data migration needed.
* Some impact on other packages needing code changes to rebuild.
== How To Test ==
* No special hardware is needed.
* Parallel install of the 2020.3 TBB compat packages and the updated
TBB packages and checking that it does not break other packages.
== User Experience ==
* Expected to remain largely the same.
* Developers building third-party software on Fedora may need to
rebuild against the new TBB packages, and may need to adjust their
code to either remain on the compat TBB version or move to the new
version supplied by the updated TBB package.
== Dependencies ==
Packages that must be rebuilt:
<code>& dnf repoquery -s --releasever=rawhide --whatrequires libtbb\*
--enablerepo=fedora | sort -u</code>
The tracking [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2036372
issue's] analysis suggests that only the following packages will be
able to move to a newer TBB -
* fawkes
* gazebo
* opencascade
* pmemkv
* root
While the remaining clients of TBB will need to have their spec's
include paths adjusted to use the 2020.3 compat package.
== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Worst case scenario is to abandon the update
and simply ship F39 with the existing TBB package, which is already in
== Documentation ==
* Notes on the scope of change, motivation, and likely impacts are in
the comments on the tracking
[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2036372 issue].
* https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/releases/tag/v2021.7.0
(Released 2nd October 2022)
* https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/releases/tag/v2020.3 (Released
10th July 2020)
== Release Notes ==
<!-- TODO -->
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
As a reminder, F38 Changes should be 100% complete by Tuesday 21
February. Change owners can indicate this by setting the Bugzilla
tracker to the ON_QA state. F38 will enter beta freeze on that date.
More schedule details are available at
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
Hi All,
Fedora Linux 38 has now been branched, please be sure to do a git pull
--rebase to pick up the new branch, as an additional reminder
rawhide/f39 has been completely isolated from previous releases, so
this means that anything you do for f38 you also have to do in the
rawhide branch and do a build there. There will be a Fedora Linux 38 compose
and it'll appear in
http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/38/ once
Bodhi is currently enabled in the f38 branch like it is for rawhide,
with automatic update creation. At the hit Beta change freeze point
in the Fedora Linux 38 schedule[1] updates-testing will be enabled and
manual bodhi updates will be required as in all stable releases.
Two things to remember:
1. The modules will be built for a new platform:f39
2. F38/branched release is frozen right now until we get a successful
compose, expect that your f38 builds won't be available immediately.
Thanks for understanding.
Tomas Hrcka
Fedora Release Engineering
[1] https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-38/f-38-key-tasks.html
Planned Outage - s390x builders - 2023-02-10 08:00 UTC
There will be an outage starting at 2023-02-10 08:00 UTC,
which will last approximately 12 to 24 hours. Systems will be powered off
and then power to the facility will be dropped. After electrical work is
completed work on some network equipment may extend the outage due to a
different planned outage.
To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:
date -d '2023-02-10 08:00UTC'
Reason for outage:
The facility that houses the Fedora s390x builders will be taking down
power and network in order to troubleshoot current state and problems of
the power infrastructure there. This data will hopefully allow
fixes/solutions to make the power distribution there most robust and
reliable. After power is restored, there are additional network upgrades
and replacements which are planned to occur but have been delayed due to
the other work.
Affected Services:
The s390x koji builders will be unavailable. This will cause nearly all
rpmbuilds in koji to queue up until the s390x builders are back online.
Maintainers are urged to just avoid submitting builds just before and
during this outage.
Ticket Link:
Please join #fedora-admin or #fedora-noc on irc.libera.chat
or add comments to the ticket for this outage above.
Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle.
-- Ian MacClaren