== Summary == kasumi-unicode will be generated newly with kasumi.spec in [ kasumi] project.
== Owner == * Name: [[User:Fujiwara|Takao Fujiwara]] * Email: fujiwara [at] redhat [dot] com
== Detailed Description == [ anthy-unicode] has been forked from [ anthy] since anthy was no longer maintained in upstream. [ kasumi] is one of the applications which link to the libraries of anthy. In case kasumi links to anthy, the private dictionary is located in `$HOME/.anthy` directory. In case kasumi links to anthy-unicode, the private dictionary is located at `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/anthy`. I wish kasumi links to anthy-unicode newly but some other applications still use anthy. E.g. ibus-anthy uses anthy-unicode and `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/anthy`. fcitx-anthy, scim-anthy, uim-anthy, gcim-anthy uses anthy and `$HOME/.anthy`. To keep the back compatibility while *-anthy will migrate to use anthy-unicode, kasumi.spec is going to generate kasumi twice to generate two kasumi binaries with different CFLAGS and LDFLAGS between anthy and anthy-unicode. kasumi-unicode will be generated to link to anthy-unicode. anthy-unicode enhances anthy for: # internal data EUC-JP to UTF-8 # user dic in $HOME/.anthy to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/anthy
== Benefit to Fedora == anthy-unicode saves the user dictionaries in the Freedesktop configuration directory $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. Contributers can develop anthy-unicode with UTF-8 words internally.
== Scope == * Proposal owners: * Other developers: [[AkiraTagoh]] (Fedora maintaier of kasumi) * Release engineering: N/A * Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change) * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change) * Alignment with Objectives:
== Upgrade/compatibility impact == ibus-anthy will depend on anthy-unicode and kasumi-unicode instead of kasumi.
== How To Test == # Enable ibus-anthy in your desktop # Run /usr/libexec/ibus-setup-anthy # Run kasumi-unicode from "Dictionary" tab in the dialog # Register some words with kasumi-unicode
The user dictionary is saved in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/anthy and ibus-anthy can use it.
== User Experience == Users will run `anthy-unicode-dic-tool --migrate` in case that users need to migrate the user dictionary in $HOME/.anthy with one in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/anthy.
== Dependencies == ibus-anthy
== Contingency Plan == * Contingency mechanism: Revert the change of kasumi.spec and ibus-anthy will depends on kasumi. * Contingency deadline: Beta freeze * Blocks release? No * Blocks product? No