Feature Freeze for Fedora 8 is coming soon on August 28th. The goal of the feature freeze is to be sure that the components are in a known and tested state before the release of Fedora 8.
Notes ===== 1) Top Priority for the freeze are components within the default installations. 2) Secondary in freeze importance are packages within the entire Fedora Collection. Major changes after the Feature Freeze date are highly discouraged. 3) New packages may continue to be added to the devel branch during this period, as long as they do not require major changes of existing packages. 4) Contact FESCo if you need clarification or permission for an exception to the Feature Freeze. 5) If your feature misses the deadline, don't feel too disheartened. The F9 feature freeze is coming ~6 months later. 6) At some (yet to be determined) point we have to stop additions of new packages to F8 when we reach the DEEP FREEZE. This is when we stop the churn of new and updated packages in order to check consistency of the repository prior to the final release. By the calendar, F8 Final devel freeze is currently scheduled for October 23rd.
If you have any questions about the Feature Freeze, please ask on fedora-devel-list.
Thanks, Warren Togami