Feature freeze for Fedora 12 is two days from now on 2009-07-28. Feature freeze is the last day to submit feature pages.
If you are a feature owner or expect to see a particular feature listed for Fedora 12, PLEASE:
1) Review this page to make sure your feature is present: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/12/FeatureList
2) If you do not see your feature listed on the Fedora 12 feature list it may be waiting for FESCo to review it (only the Feature Wrangler adds features to this category). Please check: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:FeatureReadyForFesco
If you don't see your feature page in either place, it is *NOT* being tracked for Fedora 12. Send the URL of your feature page to John Poelstra (before 2009-07-28) and he'll help you figure out why.
Thanks, John