Arrow packages include libarrow*.rpm parquet*.rpm (libparquet*), and
python-pyarrow*.rpm. Updating to Arrow 19.0.0
ORC packages include liborc2*.rpm. Updating to ORC 2.1.0
side-tag f43-build-side-105129 has been created for rebuilding the
dependent packages:
* ceph (for which I am the maintainer
* gdal
* groonga
* myst-nb
* pcp
* python-dask
* python-dask-expr
* python-distributed
* python-formulaic
* python-fsspec
* python-geopandas
* python-pandas
* python-papermill
* python-pyogrio
* root
I will be building liborc, libarrow, and ceph soon. (I'm not a proven
packager, I can't build the other packages.)
Tentatively I plan on merging whatever is built in the side tag on or after
20 Feb 2025.