On Sat, Mar 4, 2023, 02:21 Adam Williamson <adamwill@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Fri, 2023-03-03 at 15:31 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Interestingly, this is only the case for the F38 update. Check the F39
> update:
> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2023-23789cd657
> it's *only* in @critical-path-build, it's not in @core or the kde,
> gnome or server groups. So, as you can see, no tests are run on it.
> I know why this would happen for F36 or F37, but I'm surprised it's
> happening for F38. F38 and F39 ought to behave basically the same so
> far as this stuff is concerned. I'll poke around a bit and see if I can
> figure out why.

So I dug into this a bit and it looks like we probably haven't been
updating the F38 critical path since freeze, which might be related.
I've sent a PR to fix that:


When I generate critpath locally with that patch, pyproject-rpm-macros
only winds up in critical-path-build for F38, so I'm hoping if we get
that merged and critpath regenerated, this will be fixed for future

I'm still a bit baffled at how it wound up in so *many* groups, though.
I don't see how that could have happened, I can't reproduce that result
currently. Worst case it should be in critical-path-base and critical-
path-build. I don't see how it can have gotten into the other groups...

Maybe it was caused by the dependency of pkgconf -> redhat-rpm-macros that was dropped again a few days ago? That's the only recent change I can think of that could explain this, and the timing seems to line up.


Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: @adamwill:fedora.im | Mastodon: @adamw@fosstodon.org

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