Speaking on the subject of parallel booting... has anyone tried init-ng? I had it installed in Fedora Core 6 using a P4 Hyper-Threading CPU and it cut my boot time in half. One drawback is that you manually have to set up most of your startup scripts as many services are not setup right out of the box. Maybe this changed in Fedora 7?

On 7/3/07, Bojan Smojver <bojan@rexursive.com> wrote:
Bill Nottingham <notting <at> redhat.com> writes:

> So, for all this work, we get a 0.6%-1.1% speedup. Oh, and we get
> 62 AVCs from SELinux in the process. What's the point of this again?

Yeah, not very useful it would seem...

What happened to this?


Is it being worked on? (Yeah, I know - I should probably not ask questions, but
submit patches :-)

>From a desktop users' point of view, the "magic" thing is the login screen. By
the time they type in/pick the username and password, other stuff would have
already started in the background, but the "boot time" would appear shorter.
Isn't that the trick used on Windaz boxes as well?


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