Another option could be to ship Fedora 27 with a Firefox 57 prerelease version. This will stop breakage of extensions 2 weeks after Fedora 27 ships (and shipped extensions can be moved to web extension version).

On 13 Oct 2017 12:31 pm, "Peter Oliver" <> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Oct 2017, Adam Williamson wrote:

it sounds like downgrading from 56 to 52
(the most recent ESR), aside from the epoch bump it'd require on our
side, is not straightforward (it seems there were profile changes
between 56 and 52).


Is now a good time to think about how we could try to avoid getting into a similar situation again in the future?

I see that Firefox ESR releases are supported for one year plus twelve weeks (  For Fedora 27, would it be safer to include Firefox 57 and 58, but then stick with Firefox 59 ESR from March onwards?

Peter Oliver
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