
I've been working on a zlib rebase for some time now.

I would like to introduce it to you via COPR repo [1] first before I push it to Fedora rawhide.
If you could test installing your package or even test the zlib functionality, the feedback would be much appreciated.

The plan is to push the new zlib-1.2.13 to Fedora Rawhide in the next week (Thursday or Friday).

Feel free to provide any feedback you can until then.

[1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ljavorsk/zlib-1.2.13/

Thank you so much. Regards

S pozdravom/ Best regards

Lukáš Javorský

Software Engineer, Core service - Databases

Red Hat

Purkyňova 115 (TPB-C)

612 00 Brno - Královo Pole
