What about packages that see infrequent updates; I maintain Nethack and the Dev Team can and does take years between releases. If it's just a blanket email to ask the packagers if they're still interested that's one thing, but going off package updates may be problematic for some folks.

On Nov 17, 2018, at 6:36 AM, Manas Mangaonkar <manasmangaonkar@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, this could be a good idea. Might be too small as a gsoc project though. 

I'd happily take this as i am anyways going to try for gsoc 19 with fedora,this could be a good starting point. 

A simple dockerized/contenerized python based app could be done as a very simple implementation.

On Nov 17, 2018 4:35 PM, "Mattia Verga" <mattia.verga@protonmail.com> wrote:
Too often there are "non responsive maintainer" messages here.

Sometimes this is because a maintainer has lost their interest in Fedora
and left their responsibilities without communication, which means their
packages can be left unmaintained for long time in repositories before
someone notice that.

At other times the maintainer is still active, but for some reason they
are unreachable to users (email change, etc.).

I would propose some sort of automatic check of maintainer responsivity.
Maybe a tool that checks a packager activity in the last 6 months and if
there is no activity then sends an email asking the maintainer to
confirm they're still involved in Fedora. In case there's no reply,
either automatically orphan their packages or notify someone
(devel-list) to try to reach them.

What do you think?

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