I would like to apologize if it seems that I’m being rude asking for a review in this thread.
My point of view is that if the package is a dependency and no one is looking on it, it would be a priority to keep it up to date. 
I don’t know if merging it would be possible, since the maintainer is not responding, if not, I can close it.
Also, I noticed any maintainer can merge it.
I am a new maintainer and I don’t want to create polemics, I am here to hear and learn, but if I don’t participate in the discussion is more hard to learn. In any case, I apologize again if I was impolite.

Em qui., 4 de jan. de 2024 às 20:07, Sandro <lists@penguinpee.nl> escreveu:
On 04-01-2024 23:05, Priscila Gutierres wrote:
> I bumped python-pebble to the latest version.
> Can someone please review this PR?
> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-pebble/pull-request/3

Reviewing the PR is not a problem. However, who would merge it, once
approved? That needs a proven packager in the current situation, since
the sole maintainer is unresponsive.

No offense, but you are kinda hijacking this thread.

-- Sandro

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