On Wed, 2 Nov 2022 at 05:04, Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> wrote:
It used to be a good practice to announce changes in Packaging Guidelines
<https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/> here on this
list. The forkflow was that Fedora Packaging Committee accepted a change on
it's meeting and then announced it in their meeting notes posted here. This
workflow allowed packagers to notice the changes and apply them to their

    +=== Explicit lists
    +Packagers *SHOULD NOT* simply glob everything under a shared directory.
    +In particular, the following *SHOULD NOT* be used in `+%files+`:
    +* `+%{_bindir}/*+`
    +* `+%{_datadir}/*+`
    +* `+%{_includedir}/*+`
    +* `+%{_mandir}/*+`
    +* `+%{_docdir}/*+`

To my surprise the first time when I get known to this new rule was today
in a review of my new package.

Ugh changes like that really need a bit more open discussion and they need to be announced here. What is the problem trying to be solved by this? Does this solution actually solve that problem or band-aid it? 

That said, it isn't like I as a packager have been following the packaging committee enough to actually know what is going on. I have just taken it for granted that they would just do what I felt was the right thing without telling them that. Nor have I run for the packaging committee or spent time dealing with the crap that trying to deal with N factorial combinations of languages requires. 

So what is the right way to deal with this? Have more people join the packaging list and start asking questions? 

On this rule, I am not sure how large packages are going to work. My guess would be that some packager will come up with a script which just does the glob, and then outputs the data in a list which is then sed back to be `%{FOOdir}/blah1 %{FOOdir}/blah2 etc` And the problem trying to be solved of stuff getting added in without review.. will just go out the door. 

Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle. -- Ian MacClaren