This is pretty much the same scenario as the last one I reported, namely competing updates where the "wrong" update wins.  Here's the blow by blow account of what happened.

9 May 2014
mclasen submits update FEDORA-2014-6201 (

14 May 2014
FEDORA-2014-6201 acquires karma of 2, including a critical path approval.

15 May 2014
rishi submits update FEDORA-2014-6387 (,vte3-0.34.9-3.fc20,gnome-terminal-3.10.2-2.fc20), which includes a further update of vte3, but FEDORA-2014-6201 is not canceled nor commented on.

16 May 2014
FEDORA-2014-6387 acquires karma of 2, including a critical path approval, before it even lands in the testing updates repository.

17 May 2014
FEDORA-2014-6387 acquires karma of 3.

18 May 2014
FEDORA-2014-6387 acquires karma of 4 and is pushed stable.

16 Aug 2014
Proventester kparal gives FEDORA-2014-6201 karma of 3, and it is pushed stable.

End result: vte3-0.34.9-2.fc20 is now the "current" version in the updates repository, even though vte3-0.34.9-3.fc20 used to be there.
Jerry James