On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 at 08:45, Peter Boy <pboy@uni-bremen.de> wrote:

> Am 28.12.2022 um 13:00 schrieb Ralf Corsépius <rc040203@freenet.de>:
> Am 28.12.22 um 11:49 schrieb Peter Boy:
>> It is a good idea to make the timeout configurable.  But the default timeout for servers must remain unchanged.
> My problem is not "defined timeouts" it is systemd delaying shutdowns for no obvious reasons.

Yes, but instead of just „pulling the plug“ wouldn’t it be better to hunt for the reasons?

Most of the time, system administrators don't have time to hunt for the reasons because something else is going to happen (like a UPS dropping power) or a dozen other things. And once that is fixed the server is going to stay up until the next major crap I need to have everything rebooted/off in an outage window. Theoretically this testing should be done in in a staging environment, but I have only seen 3 places in 40 years with any time or ability to do so. Most of the places I have worked have had 'staging' environments which are really spare parts for production or actually in some level of production for other departments to 'stage' their code. 

I think 30 seconds is going to be a better fit for most services. Ones which need a longer time can override it in their service files and those will be easier to find. 


> And as you asked: On my (bare metal) servers, Im am occasionally experiencing delayed shutdowns in the order of several minutes.
> This is simply inacceptable!

Yes, but then always simply pulling the plug is not acceptable either, I think.

Peter Boy

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