On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 12:24 AM, Parag Nemade <panemade@gmail.com> wrote:
Right not for all SIGs but at least for those where its possible. Just
see there are many such common pattern named packages are waiting in
queue for their package review. I can think of some patterns like
perl, python, golang, nodejs, ruby, ghc, mingw, php etc.


You could maybe also search the summaries of packages for certain keywords for some other SIGs that don't have common naming schemes? For example, I just went through the review queue looking for packages with the word "game" somewhere in the summary to build a list of unreviewed packages for the Games SIG.

Admittedly, I'm struggling to think of another group of packages this sort of pattern would be as easily applicable to, and you won't be as accurate as you would be with getting, say, Python or NodeJS packages, but it might help if we want to automatically catalog the queue.

Ben Rosser