Dne 19. 05. 21 v 6:46 Michal Schorm napsal(a):
* RPMLint includes _many more checks_! Nearly all of the generally
However I always have a hard time understanding what the issue caught
by RPMLint actually is.
I would like to see some library of the checks with the explanation of
what it is, why it is important and usual examples of bad / correct
code and how to fix it. Something like CWEs (e.g. [1])
Is there something like it already by any chance ?

There is a long way between an error / warning being reported by
RPMLint with maintainer just ignoring it, and the maintainer to
understand the value and importance of having it fixed (as well as
knowledge how to fix it)

[1] https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/416.html

$ python3 lint.py /tmp/tito/rpmconf-1.1.4-1.fc34.src.rpm


rpmconf.src: E: description-line-too-long This tool search ...

$ python3 lint.py -e description-line-too-long
Your description lines must not exceed 79 characters. If a line is exceeding
this number, cut it to fit in two lines

Or you can run rpmlint in verbose mode "-v" where this explanation is printed for every findings.

Is this good enough? ;)
