On 31/03/2024 13:42, Neal Gompa wrote:
At this point, I'm used to MFA for stuff (and I use a password manager
that handles 2FA OTPs too), but the Fedora implementation of MFA is
uniquely bad because we have to do a lot in the terminal, and our MFA
implementation sucks for terminal usage.

If MFA is turned on:

1. The Fedora account integration in GNOME breaks
2. You need to concatenate password and OTP for getting a krb5 session ticket
3. The recovery mechanism involves GPG signed emails

The experience using 2FA for Fedora accounts is sufficiently
unpleasant that I really don't want to use it.
Thank you, these are valid points that I was mostly unaware of.

1 and 2 (I use a mooltipass, so it's just one extra click) aren't a problem for me and hopefully I'll never need the 3rd, but I can see how this could have a big impact on other users.
Arthur Bols
fas/irc: principis