On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 3:18 PM Vitaly Zaitsev via devel <devel@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 17/07/2022 15:54, Richard Shaw wrote:
> /usr/include/fmt/core.h:1733:7: error: static assertion failed: Cannot
> format an argument. To make type T formattable provide a formatter<T>
> specialization: https://fmt.dev/latest/api.html#udt
> <https://fmt.dev/latest/api.html#udt>

Can you try the following workaround:

%global optflags %(echo %{optflags} -DFMT_DEPRECATED_OSTREAM)

That worked for now. What's the long term fix? All upstreams need to update to the new API?
