On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 4:09 PM Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 15, 2019, 22:55 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@gmail.com wrote:
I'm curious to see if anyone else would find this useful...

What about a fedpkgdiff as a wrapper around pkgdiff (similar to fedabipkgdiff) but just to see the difference between two packages (either local or from the repos like fedabipkgdiff), specifically differences in:

- installed files (not contents)
- requires
- provides

Either I don't understand the question, or you missed something obvious... Isn't that what rpmdiff does already (for local .rpm files)?

Yes, it would work similar to abipkgdiff, the difference is in the wrapper, fed<command> which would wrap it in something that improves packager quality of life...

So in the case of all the FTBFS packages I'm working on instead of having to manually download packages to some temporary directory from koji or dnf command I could just do a "fedpkg mockbuild" on my proposed fix and then "fedpkgdiff /path/to/new/package --dist fc30" and let it do all the other steps for me, thus saving me a not insignificant amount of work/time which I don't have a lot of since packaging isn't my dayjob.
