On miĆ° 18.des 2013 21:30, Bill Nottingham wrote:
So, all I can go by is the bugzappers housekeeping page for each release,
where every single commit to the page or action item listed in the page
has been one of:

- Robyn
- Spot
- John Poelstra
- Jaroslav
- Kevin

since Fedora 15, at least.

Furthermore, the Housekeeping SOP page itself has not undergone a meaningful
(i.e, name replacement) update since 2010.

If the QA community is running the updating and execution of this process,
they are doing it very very quietly in other people's names, and I see no
reason to assume malice when someone went to the people that are actually
*written* in the wiki as having the action items to run the process.

They may have run the actual housekeeping process itself but the triage processing was decide by the QA community and those that manage to get it somewhat on it's feet after the 2 or third tries where Jon Stanley which name you dont see there mentioned and John Poelstra and I think if I'm not miss remembering Jesse/Jeremy where responsible for the first 2 tries and you dont see their names there either nor the individual that drove the triage process the most.

So as you can see relying on the wiki as some kind of holy bible of facts both historical and present is a mistake.

You dont have to even go so far back to see mistakes being made if you look at [1] which is a mistake in the making since the *entire* installer team is missing as well as several individuals that should be there...


1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F20_anniversary_tshirt