PWG 2019 ======== PWG plenary -------------- - ipp eve certified printers - now 365! - new versions of IPP eve - 1.1 and IPP eve selfcert - 1.1 - new project - ipp registry - imaging device security - security of hardcopy devices -focus on common criteria profiles for HCD - ipp workgroup - maintenance of IPP, support of network archs in IPP - IPP enterprise printing extension 1.0? - trusted computing group - specifications for mobile platforms and trusted mobility solutions - IETF - RFC for new TLS-1.3, security automation and continuous monitoring drafts - openprinting - new gsoc projects (Zdenek Dohnal is one of the mentors) - test script for IPP errata and IPP system service, printer app from legacy driver, improve pdftoraster filter, turn scp-dbus-service into C, new website - mopria - print and scanning services for mobiles - 3D printing Openprinting plenary -------------------- - CUPS-filters - no new features, focus on reliability, pdftoopvp and pdftoijs deprecated, in the future remove CUPS PPD API, treat equal IPP printers and remote cups queues as equal - IPP system service - future - support for MFD and printers+possible driverless MFD and scan - GSoC projects CUPS plenary ------------ - licensing - report important issues for backporting to older CUPS with old license, security fixes will be still with old license, APACHE 2.0 otherwise - CUPS-2.3.0 - focus on license change, ipp eve, print accounting, scheduler - the last release with printer driver support (2021) - they will have exception for GPL2/LGPL2-only sw (same as LLVM) - ipp eve - localizations, job preset, finishing-template support, closing any CUPS API holes preventing of usage of ipp eve - print accounting - track total number of pages at the end of job - scheduler - sharing hostname can be set, .strings file is created when printer is created - for localization, support for printer id and no hardcoded script interpreters in CGI - API - new function for adding media options - cupsAddDestMediaOptions(), encoding IPP attr from CUPS options - cupsEncodeOption, -D_IPP_PRIVATE_STRUCTURES=1 does not work, -D_PPD_DEPRECATED="" does not work :) - FUTURE: Modular cups with following modules: commands, local server handles print requests on local temporary queues, cups sharing server handles network print requests (acounting, Acl, pam auth, oauth2 ipp shared infrastructure) with permanent CUPS queues, CUPS library, oauth 2.0 as replacement for Kerberos (does not need root access) - printer apps - printer drivers will look as ipp eve - ipp eve printer - replacement of ippserver, two commands - PCL printers ippevepcl - like PCL laser printer bundled with CUPS, ippeveps for postscript printers (runs pdftops and specific filters), use with PPD file - output from commands can be sent to AppSocket or spool dir - why? wonderful for debugging for now! just get PPD and create ippeve printer by it - FUTURE ippeveprinter vs ippserver - single ipp eve printer vs implements ipp system service with multiple IPP printers (print commands for ippserver will work for ippeveprinter, but not otherwise because missing backends and filters) Openprinting projects update ----------------------------- - 2018 - conversion bannertopdf to QPDF, enhancement ipptool (new support for attributes and operations), ippdoclint program (check-up if pwg raster document file is correct - structure, content), content-oriented printer auto-selection (cluster abritary collection of printers into one queue with merghed PPD with all options of all printers available - depending on doc and options is printer selected), common print dialog backend project (dbus interface to separate from print dialog GUI), - 2019 - generic framework to turn legacy drivers consisting of CUPS filters and PPDs into printer apps (simple daemon emulates driverless IPP printer, converts to printer format and sent the data to printer + advertise itself on DNS-SD), ipptool test suite for ipp system service and IPP errata updates, remove unstable poppler api in pdftoraster, turn scp-dbus-service into C - goal is to make printing popular :) - google season of docs - collaboration of open source programmer and tech writer to better documentation! - google code in - bring open source to pre-universities - planning to have a talk on Linux Plumbers conference - more testing project in the future cups-filters, ippusbx --------------------- - no big new features since last year, focus mainly to bug fixing and stabilizing - FUTURE - restartable in-process, no use CUPS PPD API (do not download PPD from server) in cups-browsed nor filters, treat IPP printers and remote cups queue equally , selecting printer from cluster depending on job options, library functions for printer apps, translations of ppds - ippusbxd - daemon mirroring USB printer as ipp printer at ipp://localhost:/ipp/print , has web ui at http://localhost:, default port 60000 - foomatic was moved to github PWG workgroup status --------------------- - 3D printing - widespreading IPP 3D v1.1 and WPG safe g-code subset 1.0 to vendors, possible GUI client - maybe in FreeCAD or other existing 3D printing apps (kind of plugin), concrete printing (see if other materials are needed...) IPP system service ------------------ - implements all IPP services possible on the machine (printing, scanning, faxing...), all required attrs and operations are implemented in ippsample - demo :) - ipp printer pointing to pcl printer - ipptool -t ipps://localhost:/ipp/system -d device-uri=socket://smth:9100 examples/create-pcl-printer.test (all from ippsample project) - get printer attr - same as before just ipps://localhost:/ipp/print/PCL -tv and examples/get-printer-attributes.test - print job - -t , -f examples/onepage-letter.pdf and example/print-job.test - create-resource, send-resource-data, install-resource-data, get-resource-attributes, cancel-resource IPP enterprise printer extensions --------------------------------- - new attributes job-password-*, job-cancel-*, job-phone-number...