Hi all,

I've read a crap ton of pages now about package creation/maintenance but feel like I'm missing stuff and spinning wheels so I wanted to ask.  The process seems pretty muddled :-D

I've got an RPM package I maintain called "pick" (I'm already working with the upstream project and have their blessing/encouragement to do this).  It's a reasonably successful project that really should be in the official repos.  Here's the upstream: https://github.com/mptre/pick  

Here's an example spec file I use.  I have a scrip that generates these automa6tically based on the version available upstream:  example spec file:  https://github.com/FreedomBen/pick-rpm/blob/master/spec-files/pick-v4.0.0.spec 

The build of my build is this script (https://github.com/FreedomBen/pick-rpm/blob/master/build.sh) plus the Dockerfile (https://github.com/FreedomBen/pick-rpm/blob/master/Dockerfile).  That's probably not relevant for what we're doing here, just wanted to share in case it's useful for somebody evaluating me ;-)

I have a COPR repo now for "pick" here:  https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/freedomben/pick/:

All my scripts I use to build RPMs are here.  Basically I just use podman to crank out all versions.  There's a script to generate a stand alone spec file as well (which is where the one above came from):  https://github.com/freedomben/pick-rpm

I want to get this package included in Fedora proper.  I've never been a Fedora maintainer before but I'm a long time Fedora user and programmer and generally pretty good at stuff kind of guy.  I'm mostly familiar with packaging guidelines, though I'm not an expert on the various macros (yet).

Is there someone who can guide me on what to do next?  Or who will sponsor me?

Thanks in advance,
