Il 26/11/2013 16:42, Pavel Alexeev ha scritto:
26.11.2013 15:06, wrote:
Il 26/11/2013 11:34, Pavel Alexeev ha scritto:
25.11.2013 22:45, Mikolaj Izdebski wrote:
W dniu 25.11.2013 18:16, Pavel Alexeev pisze:
How groovy will be in Fedora? Is it mean it also will be retired soon?
No, there are no plans of retiring groovy.  (Groovy can be either with
Ant or Gradle.  Fedora uses the first option.)

Thanks, Mikolaj.
But IIRC groovy >= 2.0 switched to gradle build only?
Have not you
either plans to update it?

dont forget this problem
groovy-all 1.8.x asm3
groovy-all 2.x asm4
gradle use groovy-all 1.8.x ( with asm3) and asm4

Then we have circle? 
That problem what you discussing before (pointed in
mail list previously)? 
yes, but if you do the same type of question the answer is always the same
So, no chance update both without exception use
binary bundled version or fully maintain alternative build system

what would change? ... own nothing ...
gradle, use at runtime those libraries, and don't work with our ...