Well, it would be great to get even terminal output from GIMP, if possible (save it and then use 'gimp --verbose file-name').

Based on the txt file, it looks like it should be originally SVG file, in that case, GIMP is able to open SVG file, but it make raster out of it, so could be handy to see, if Inkscape is able to open such file, cause there can be some issue in SVG processing or even anywhere else.

Are you able to provide a link to the original image?

Best regards

Josef Ridky
Senior Software Engineer
Core Services Team
Red Hat Czech, s.r.o.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 12:43 PM Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <suve@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Recently I tried to edit some image from the internet in GIMP. Pressing "open image in new tab" in Firefox yielded a "data:image/svg+xml;base64..." link. Being a lazy person, instead of saving the image to disk, I selected "open location" in GIMP and pasted the link there. Next thing I know, there's some fireworks.

I spun up a clean Fedora 34 VM to try to replicate this, and here's my observations:

1. Gnome on Wayland: GIMP crashes and that seems to be the end of it.

2. Gnome on X11: GIMP crashing brings down the Gnome panel (taskbar, whatever you want to call it) along with it. The latter auto-restarts. Other programs are unaffected.

3. Cinnamon: GIMP does not crash, instead it displays a gargantuan (over 5000 pixels wide) error message window. Moving this window around causes Cinnamon to crash. It then auto-restarts... but, amusingly, apart from Cinnamon, Openbox starts up as well. (Should someone try reproducing this - by default, both the Cinnamon and Openbox panels appear on the bottom of the screen, so the Openbox panel won't be visible. Just move the Cinnamon panel to another edge of the screen.) GIMP survives this, and other programs are unaffected.

4. KDE Plasma on Wayland: the gigantic error message appears, but instead of rendering the text, it's just a big black rectangle on the screen. However, GIMP does not crash. Other programs seem unaffected.

5. KDE Plasma on X11: as above, but the error message window doesn't render at all. It is there, it takes input, you can alt+tab to and away from it, but it's not visible.

6. XFCE: GIMP crashes and that's the end of it.

7. MATE: GIMP crashes and other program windows jump around on the screen for a short while. Afterwards, things seem to work fine, but every window renders with a several-pixels wide black border around it.

8. LXQt: GIMP crashes and brings down the LXQt panel with it. The latter does *NOT* auto-restart. Other programs stop reacting to keyboard input. This effectively locks one in the desktop session (short of switching to a TTY).

9. Openbox: the whole session crashes, bringing you back to the display manager's login screen.

The base64 image is too big to put it in an e-mail, so I attach it as a link: https://suve.fedorapeople.org/2021-06-18-gimpcrash-image-base64.txt
I have not tested whether other base64-encoded SVG images cause similar issues, or if it's only this one.

I'm not sure if this a bug in GIMP, or in poor old Xorg, so that's why I decided to post an e-mail here, instead of going straight to bugzilla.
Should anyone try to dig into this, let me know if you need a core dump or something.

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