no problem.

I may know better next time an RC comes out than to bring these up, it is probably better that I wait until the next RC: I am having issues with the curser / mouse on this computer and I think I might prevented from viewing the shows at in Canada. If I had helped the community out earlier, I may not ignorantly feel the need to bring up whether these glitches will be fixed in the following release.

Richard Vickery

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Adam Williamson <> wrote:
On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 12:09 -0700, Richard Vickery wrote:
> it works!

OK, then I'm guessing you indeed installed RC1 (or an RC1-era package
set from remote repos) and got hit by that PackageKit bug. It should be
fixed in RC2 and RC3 and hence the final release, so nothing to worry
about there. Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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