On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 1:22 PM, Jan Kratochvil <jan.kratochvil@redhat.com> wrote:

And there is no warning if you click in firefox-57.0-2.fc27.x86_64 on any
add-on that it is installing a non-Fedora-signed add-on.

(Then there is also "Update Add-ons Automatically" turned on by default but
I could not verify whether it really applies on rpm-installed add-ons or not.)

True, but in order to do that I believe you would have to write a patch to the core-browser.  Not
to mention the fact that Fedora has only a few add-ons packaged.  I can't imagine the headache
that would entail.  At worse it would be needlessly alarming to users, at best it would be a nuisance.