On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:41 AM Ben Cotton <bcotton@redhat.com> wrote:

Council is considering it, and CommOps just started a 2-month
experiment to see how it goes. It makes sense to me that we wait and
see how those go before we start considering larger moves. I'm worried
in particular about larger lists such as this one where there's a
large number of users and a high volume of traffic. I haven't used
Discourse enough to know what the experience is like at that point.

I agree that moving to Discourse (or any other change in how we
communicate) needs to be backed by a well-thought-out proposal.
Whichever technology we choose, it will be better for some and worse
for others. That's unavoidable, but we should be intentional about the
changes we make and what impact they will have on the community.

Hey Ben...

Yeah, based upon the trial and previous comments I knew it was being considered.  The point
of my thread was that many people probably haven't taken the time to checkout the Fedora Discourse
website or read the Foreman analysis that Matt provided.   They should.

The difference between using Discourse and mailing lists is night and day. 

As far as larger lists... check out this link:  https://meta.discourse.org/t/biggest-busiest-discourse-forums/30674