On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 15:05 -0800, Carl Byington wrote:
- There were some menu icon references to files that are no longer in
the package, but there is a rasmol_48x48.xpm image. What is the preferred mechanism to create menu icons, where do they go, etc?
Follow the fd.o icon theme specification: http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html
the short version is that at a minimum you should stick an icon with the same name as the binary, extension / file format .png, in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps . If upstream provides icons in any other resolution, include those in the appropriate directory; if upstream provides an SVG, include it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps . The .desktop file should list the icon as simply the main part of the filename, with no extension (so if the icon is rasmol.png , the .desktop file should state Icon=rasmol ). However, see below...
- There does not seem to be much point in creating gui icons for this,
since it seems to be intended to run from a command prompt in a terminal. The program uses stdin to read commands, and the data is then displayed in a graphic window. Unless there is an easy way to create an icon that launches a gnome-terminal which in turn runs the rasmol binary, and allows the user to then type commands into that terminal session.
...that sounds like you shouldn't ship a menu entry at all, to me. As you say, it would be rather pointless. But I dunno if there's a policy requirement that you should anyway.