2014-04-24 17:22 GMT+02:00 Jerry James <loganjerry@gmail.com>:
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
> Yeah, which makes technical sense... but the concern is packagers who
> aren't paying attention rebuild for some other reason and are not on v6
> when it's a licensing problem. ;(

I need some advice on how to handle this for XEmacs, which is a GPLv3+
package.  It provides some optional database functionality, but the
underlying database can be any of libdb, gdbm, or postgresql.  When I
first turned this on for Fedora, in response to a request in bz
581614, I chose libdb for reasons that I no longer remember.  So now I
need to choose between:
- libdb (going to AGPLv3+)
- gdbm (GPLv3+)
- postgresql (PostgreSQL, essentially MIT)
You'll have the option of moving to libdb5 , without a license change or need to convert data.  That should be easiest, at least in the medium term while libdb5 is actively maintained.