>Okay, no. This is actually a fundamental technical flaw with

>RPM-OSTree. In fact, *zero* DKMS or AKMod based packages will work

>with RPM-OSTree based systems, and has been known for at least three

>years: https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/issues/1091


>It has nothing to do with any ideological hatred for NVIDIA. It's just

>the RPM-OSTree developers have so far been pushing to force containers

>in every little nook and cranny, even when unneeded or unwanted,

>instead of solving the problem to support akmods.


>You can use regular kmod packages with Fedora Silverblue (rpm-ostree

i>nstall kmod-nvidia). You can also use regular Fedora Workstation and

>have akmods work perfectly.



Interesting. I’ve used Fedora 30 Silverblue before and it worked(yes, using AKMod). Maybe this is a regression?


Anyway, when I looked up the error I got a result from Nvidia’s forum wherein a user pointed to a kernel issue. Apologies if that isn’t the case.




>真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!