2008/1/13, Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat.com>:
On 01/13/2008 08:12 PM, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:
> Listen. Firefox 3 is very fast. First run always is long (every distro), but
> second, third, fourth run are faster than the first - that's normal with
> Firefox, but in openSUSE Firefox 3 started in less than one second on my
> current hardware. On Fedora it was more than 1 second in > 1st run.

... but you aren't even using Fedora's firefox RPMs! [1]  If you're
going to complain, complain about things we're building and have control


fedora-devel-list mailing list

I'll now use you RPMs, because I want to use trunk code, which you'll don't package every day.
In rawhide/remi's repo is oldest version.

Firefox 3 without your flags is fast. Not in Fedora of course.

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek