I rebuilt bcd, luxcorender is failing on it.

On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 7:43 PM Ben Beasley <code@musicinmybrain.net> wrote:
The openexr2 compat package was just updated from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 in F39/Rawhide. This included a bump of the “imfsover,” the .so version for the libIlmImf-2_5 and libIlmImfUtil-2_5 libraries.

The following packages will need to be rebuilt in F39/Rawhide.

- aqsis
- bcd
- kde-runtime
- kdebase3
- kdelibs
- luminance-hdr (I will take care of this one)
- synfig

There are other packages that link libraries from openexr2, but these should be the only ones that link the libraries affected by the .so version bump.

The package was also updated in F38/Branched, but the build is still only tagged into f38-updates-candidate, and no Bodhi update has been created. If the maintainer proceeds with the update for F38, all of the above dependent packages will need to be rebuilt there, too, once the update reaches stable. Alternatively, maybe the F38 build could be tagged into a side tag.
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