I know that the guys in QA have a lot of work to do already, but is there any chance of multi-arch to receive more attention in the near future?

2012/9/12 Álvaro Castillo <netsys@fedoraproject.org>

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
These were originally for ambassadors only to use at events.

I have no objection to making them more known, however, I think they
should be tested and produced in the same way other Fedora images are.

In the f17 cycle they were not tested by QA at all, and sadly, the
multi-install iso is broken. This led to useless media and everything
looking bad. ;(

so, if we are going to make them, they should get tested, produced and
distributed (including signed checksums) like every other image we
produce. IMHO.

Yes, please, before release these DVDs, check QA control, DVDs are money that wasn't unused by these error. I am an ambassador affected by a little problem. On vmlinuz and syslinux, has got 0. This 0 both do cannot boot. You need edit GRUB kernel lines and remove 0 to work....

Álvaro Castillo

Linux user #547784

devel mailing list

Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior