Hi all,

Sorry to be a bit late to the party, but in response to some indirect dependencies being orphaned I've taken the opportunity to clean up the Tomcat package a little. I have removed the following "features" from tomcat:

1) I dropped the "examples" webapp from Tomcat, which is recommended by the Security Considerations page of the upstream project anyway. This removed our dependency on the tomcat-taglibs-standard package.
2) Due to changes in the javapackages-local package (%add_maven_depmap was finally removed), I dropped the maven pom files from the tomcat packages as I feel that their usefulness is limited anyway. If you need to use the poms, Maven Central should work.
3) I've removed the tomcat-jsvc subpackage from the distribution as it isn't very useful either. This removes our dependency on the apache-commons-daemon package. This also removed the logrotate config that was offered since it was used within the tomcat-jsvc package.
4) Dropped geronimo-saaj (aka jakarta-saaj) as it's no longer required by Tomcat 9+.
5) Dropped geronimo-jaxrpc (aka jakarta-xml-rpc), which provided the webservices naming factory resources that are generally unused. This was only a build time dependency, so it wasn't used at runtime (unless users were explicitly installing it for their webapp).

If anyone has issues with these changes, please let me know ASAP.

There are a couple other dependencies that have to be resolved to keep Tomcat which are ant and javapackage-tools; I hope to see those resolved on the "The Javapocalypse is Monday" thread :)
