This is exactly the kind of feedback i'm looking for. Thanks! I do know
that under Plasma and Xfce I've seen < 2ms latency with the right
hardware (PCI cards, primarily). I've been able to push my Behringer
UMC404HD (a USB interface) under 10 before. I have yet to do any formal
testing on GNOME, but I'm glad to read what you wrote. Thanks!

Now, I am playing back a previously recorded project with 512 samples, which gives the latency of 10ms and Ardour is performing fine
without any xruns. The project has 10 tracks and each track has about 3 plugins used. It is getting late here, but if you want, I can try to record
something tomorrow and see which latency I can go to before getting  xruns and give the feedback here.

I agree that you do not want even one xrun in your session.

PS: I might find out that latency is no more an issue as it was before. I guess I am using such benevolent settings just for sure.

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Lukáš Růžička


Red Hat

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