I need python3-oauth for MythTV on RPM Fusion. I looked into it and there hasn't been a successful build since F28. I tried a simple update to python 3 BR's and the package built fine so I went ahead and built packages for Rawhide and F30 based on the "no one seems to care about this package" status.

Since there hasn't been a release since 2009 it may be best to move to another "provider" in the long term. I'll follow up with MythTV upstream.

The only consumers seem to be...

# dnf repoquery --whatrequires python2-oauth
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:23 ago on Fri 26 Jul 2019 08:47:52 AM CDT.

libturpial is FTBFS so I'm looking into that...
gphotoframe is already pulling in python3 so a simple BR update and rebuild may be sufficient.
