On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 1:40 AM Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at> wrote:
I wrote:
>> But what about the die-hard NNTP users? You entirely ignored my post to
>> which you are supposedly replying.

Gerald B. Cox replied:
> I believe there is a plugin for that with Discourse:
> https://meta.discourse.org/t/sync-discourse-with-nntp/58602

It would be great to get that deployed on Fedora Infrastructure.

While I'm not convinced that it will work as well as for the mailing lists,
it would definitely be better than nothing (i.e., the status quo).

Yeah, the issue I think with NNTP and with mailman, hyperkitty, etc. is there appears to be a lack of innovation, development - and when it does happen, it happens at a snails pace.  Maybe I'm wrong, but that certainly appears to be the case from what I saw reading through feature requests, etc.  Technologies like Discourse, etc. have a more active development community and the popularity of older technogies is decreasing.  No, I don't believe mail or usenet is going away anytime soon, but the feature set is going to remain pretty static - with the new feature sets going to things like Discourse.  I did search on knode and found that development was discontinued - and there isn't really a plethora of nntp clients available - as there was decades ago.  People generally have moved on.