Neal, while you're at it, can you find out what is going on with the RSS support.  There was quite a bit of discussion about it - but that has been going on for years now and nothing seems to be happening.  

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 11:49 AM Neal Gompa <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 2:31 PM Emmanuel Seyman <> wrote:
> * Pierre-Yves Chibon [26/08/2019 09:44] :
> >
> > Our recommended solution is to find someone that would maintain the mailman3
> > stack for us.
> Does this have to be mailman3 or can it be a different mailing list manager?

Mailman 3 with the HyperKitty stuff is highly preferred. I've offered
to the CPE team to help with the software maintenance aspects as we
continue to self-host as well. I intend to get in touch with the RH
OSAS group to see if they could help us with our Mailman 3 stuff, as
they've gotten pretty good at managing those themselves for a bunch of

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