On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 at 22:59, Ben Cotton <bcotton@redhat.com> wrote:

== Summary ==
Create <code>gdb-minimal</code> package (without XML support, Python
support, Syntax Highlight and such) and switch to it in buildroot.

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:ignatenkobrain|Igor Gnatenko]], [[User:sergiodj|Sergio
Durigan Junior]]
* Email: ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org, sergiodj@sergiodj.net

== Detailed Description ==
Create subpackage in <code>gdb</code> source package called
<code>gdb-minimal</code> that will contain 2 files:
* <code>/usr/libexec/gdb-minimal</code> — GDB executable built without
optional unneeded features
* <code>/usr/bin/gdb-add-index</code> — Executable script shared with
gdb-headless package (modified to fallback to gdb-minimal if exists)
Hi Ben,

AFAIK that part of the gdb is used only to separate debuginfo in %post_install.
Some times ago IIRC for exactly the same operation was used eu-strip used -o to save stripped part in debuginfo files.
Even if eu-strip is not doing stripping correctly better would be better to fix it or modify binutils strip to implement -o option from elfutils strip.
Using gdb for saving debuginfo looks like overkill and elfutils is +10 smaller and depends only on glibc.

$ rpm -q --qf "%{NAME}\t%{SIZE}\n" gdb-headless elfutils
gdb-headless 18123356
elfutils 1245125

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH