On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 9:36 PM Marián Konček <mkoncek@redhat.com> wrote:
I actually copy-paste the Debian prompt since Debian Jessie on my systems.
Even though it uses blue-green colors, I can see it very well on both
white and black background.

I think it would be nicer if we played around with several options and
have the user have a simple way of choosing.

They can set PROMPT_COLOR to change coloring immediately.
But it would be nice to have a configuration tool/UI some day.
There are many variants, some using git info, some using exit codes and so...

Exit code is already handled in the current implementation.
I would like to make it more extensible in the future...

But I made a criteria that this simple MVP should not use PROMPT_COMMAND
nor should the default PS1 cause any external process to run by default.
So anyway this Change is not setting the bar very high, by design:
there are certainly lots of more powerful solutions around
like powerline or starship etc, and this Change is not competing with them. :-)
The hope is that a simple conservative solution like this would be broadly acceptable as a desktop default.

Thanks, Jens