Graph databases are becoming very popular, as data science is getting a lot of attention. I have at least one problem at work right now where a graph DB could be a great fit, so I set out this weekend to do some learning.

But I was surprised to find a lack of graph DB options available in Fedora and other popular distros. I can't find any discussion of this topic; are others interested? Having one or two good options included in Fedora could give us an edge (so to speak) over the competition.

I know that neo4j has license issues. What about OrientDB [0]? Maybe Cayley [1]? Or others [2]?

I did find the Fedora NoSQL wiki page [3], but the contact info and Status info seem to be for the (presumably unrelated) amateur radio SIG???

John Dulaney (CC'd) has volunteered to help out with packaging if there is a graph DB worth adding to Fedora.

What do you all think?

 ^ looks compelling, but hasn't been very active recently as a project
